Professor Sexy: Hockey Romance Read online

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  “Date?” She says skeptically.

  I pause, resigned to telling the truth. “It was a short fling.”

  “Poor Tyler, women just can’t help wanting to come back for more.” She mocks, mirth twinkling in her eyes.

  “You want a sample?” I study her, wondering what she’ll say.

  To my surprise, she quietly puts her textbook down on the table and turns to me. “Maybe.”

  Hot damn. Blood rushes to my dick immediately. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.

  I put my computer on the table, probably a little harder than I needed to, but fuck it.

  “Come here.”

  She moves her body across the couch, and I slide a hand around her nape, caressing lightly with my fingers. Her eyes are soft and curious, and I take off her glasses gently, as much as they fuel my fantasies.

  She smells like butterscotch candy, and I can’t wait to see if she tastes just as sweet. I pull her closer to me, just barely touching my lips to hers and I feel her pulse speeding up.

  “I’ve been thinking about this since I saw you.” I brush my lips against hers in a whisper, holding her in place when she makes a needy sound.

  I lick playfully at her lip. “I’m hard as fuck right now, but when you want to stop, we stop. Yeah?” I pull back just enough to meet her eyes, so she knows I’m serious. I only want her to feel safe with me, because I know I might get a little intense later on.

  She nods.

  “I need a verbal, baby.”

  “Yes.” She breathes. Before the word completely tips off her lips, I take her mouth with mine, breathing her in and fusing our lips together. Catching me off guard, she nips at my lips, testing, seeking. I growl and lay back, careful to keep my knee clear, but pulling her over my body.

  I’m hard as rock now, and I run a hand down her back and over her ass, gripping it hard the way I’ve wanted to since she walked out of the classroom. Soft. Full. I squeeze a handful a little rougher than I intend, and she moans against my mouth.

  Fuck yeah.

  “You like it a little rough?” I bite the underside of her jaw, pressing an open- mouthed kiss there.

  “Apparently.” She laughs huskily, and even that sound sends more arousal shooting through me.

  “Hm.” I take the hand that’s at her nape and move it to her other cheek, digging both hands into the plump flesh as she drops her forehead against my shoulder.

  “Why does that feel so good?”

  I settle her more firmly against me, widening her thighs, so she’s cradling me in the space between her hips. Kneading her ass with my hands, I move her against me, the low gasps and moans she’s making in my ear spurring me on. She grinds against my body, all passion instead of finesse, and I seal my mouth to her neck, wanting to leave my mark on her pretty brown skin.

  “I’m close.” She whispers, and I turn my head to capture her lips, licking my way into her mouth as she spears her fingers through my hair.

  “Tell me what you need.” I pull away. She presses her forehead to mine, breath puffing softly on my lips.

  “I don’t know, I think…more.” Her brown eyes are heavy-lidded, and I love the look of almost drugged pleasure on her face.

  More. I can do more.

  “You trust me?” I bite her bottom lip, pulling back gently.

  “Yes.” She licks her tongue out, tangling it with mine, giving everything back.

  “Good.” I dip my hands into the waistband of her red shorts, shoving them down and over her ass so I can feel her bare skin. Warming up her skin with my palms, I make sure my cock is notched against her.


  “Oh!” Neiko’s hands tighten in my hair, and she leans forward a little, teeth sinking into her bottom lip. I watch her for a heated second, and she moves lightly against my erection. “Harder.”

  In my mind, I’m beating my chest like Tarzan. My girl likes a little edge, and I can’t wait to see just how much she can take.

  I spank her harder, caressing her skin and soothing the hurt away before I do it again. And again. And again. Each time in between, molding her skin with my hands and rubbing her hot flesh. With each touch, she’s more frantic against me, and I roll my hips under her, swallowing her needy groans with my mouth.

  She shudders, husky cries falling from her lips and I press kisses to her jaw, her lips, her neck. I run my hands tenderly over her ass, knowing there might be a little ache tomorrow. I bet she’s fucking dripping.

  My dick is so hard that I’m light-headed. I think that’s a thing.

  Neiko lays against my chest and I stroke my hands over her back and ass in long movements, feeling her press small kisses to the underside of my jaw.

  “Good?” I ask.

  “Mhm.” She murmurs. “Really good.”

  “Good,” I say quietly. This is definitely not something I’ve done before. I don’t feel a need to go anywhere. It feels like could lay here with my dick throbbing forever if she wanted me to.

  “I meant to offer to go with you as your plus one if you needed me too, but then I thought it might be odd.”

  I don’t say anything at first. I roll her words around in my mind…and decide that it sounds like the perfect idea.

  We’ll get to be away from campus, and I’ll have her all to myself for the long weekend. Three days to finally cement this thing between us. Hopefully, three days that I’ll get to fuck her in all the ways that have been running through my mind.

  I want to see her ass laid out in front of me while I take her from behind. I want to look at her breasts above me as she bounces on my cock. I want to feel her body under my mouth while I lick her pussy until she’s begging me to fuck her.

  I want a lot. And this might be the perfect getaway for it. But she should know what she’s getting into.

  “My cock is aching right now, and if we go away for the weekend, the chances are high that I’m going to want everything with you.” She drops her forehead against my chest with a short bark of laughter.

  “Wow, you don’t mince words.”

  “I want to make sure we’re on the same page.”

  “I don’t want to say anything for sure, but…if that was a sample, I think the full course is looking pretty damn appealing.” She strokes a finger down my face, and I open my mouth, taking it between my lips and licking it playfully.

  I’m counting down the seconds now, and she’s definitely dessert.



  I’m nervous about this weekend.

  I’m not a virgin, but I might as well be when it comes to Tyler. We haven’t talked about what he’s interested in, but if a few nights ago is any indication, he’s experienced in a few things that I am not.

  Sex is sex, to me. I don’t need a committed relationship, but it’s just how it’s happened up until now. I don’t follow the three-month rule or arbitrary timelines, but I wait to have sex until I’m at least a little certain that he’s not going to disappear the next morning. I like for there to be a bit of investment, even though anyone can change their minds at any point regardless if you’ve had sex or not.

  But Tyler is an entirely different situation.

  I haven’t looked him up or gone searching for information because I want to enjoy this bubble. This blissful ignorance. By his behavior, it’s not hard to conclude that he plays fast and loose in his personal life. He’s too confident, too smooth, and very noticeably single.

  And let’s be real, with looks like his, he doesn’t need to commit, and he probably doesn’t want to.

  So here I am, about to spend the weekend with him and I most certainly will come back afterward with even more explosive memories than what happened the other night.

  Orgasming from a guy spanking me? Note that down in the things that never happened before Tyler category.

  Before Vic broke up with me, we hadn’t had sex for about two months. That means that I’ve now been sex-less for half a year. Not a super long time, but considering
that Vic and I had sex twice a day sometimes when things were really good…I’ve been hurting.

  The breakup came out of the blue for me, and that was probably a little bit my fault. I just got engrossed in a lot of things other than my relationship, and Vic wanted attention that he didn’t think I was giving him. It hurt when he ended things, and sometimes I still feel a pang thinking about him or waking up in my bed alone, but I don’t like to dwell on the past.

  He made the decision that he felt was best for him, and I accepted that. Even if I miss having someone hold me at night, or teasing him over always being cold. It’s the little things that hurt the most that way.

  My vibrator is not doing the trick, and the dildo I ordered pales in comparison to the real thing. There’s just no amount of realistic qualities you can add to a plastic toy that’ll replace a man for me…unless it’s connected to a man and there’s blood pumping through a throbbing erection.

  Which brings us to my current dilemma.

  I know my friends are into no strings attached and embracing their sexuality with whoever they fancy, but there’s always been something more for me in sex. Something more for the guy too.

  I’ve never wanted sex with someone so much that I didn’t have feelings for, and who didn’t have feelings for me.

  I’m scared about what will happen after the sex, and if I’ll be able to handle whatever does. I’ve never really worried about if I’m going to wake up and be kicked out or if the guy’s going to ghost me after he gets what he wants. Before things happened with my exes, it was pretty clear that we were on the same page and sex would be a kind of official milestone in the budding relationship.

  The only page that I’m certain Tyler and I are reading is the one that says “Sex will be had, and it will be mind-blowing.”

  Maybe I’ll just try to enjoy the weekend, whatever happens.

  My phone pings and it’s Tyler saying he’s outside, asking if I need help bringing anything down. I have my dress for the wedding in a garment bag, and a small weekender tote with the rest of my things, so I tell him no.

  Taking a deep breath, I make sure I have my charger and turn off all my lights.

  It’s now or never.

  When I reach the bottom of the landing, I see Tyler leaning against a cherry red Range Rover. He pushes off of it and meets me, grabbing the weekender bag from my grip and placing it in his back seat after he opens my door for me. I pass him the garment bag as I get in and he stores that, then shuts my door and lopes around the front to slide into the driver side.

  I buckle my seat belt and admire the tan and black leather interior.

  “Hey.” He gives me a lopsided grin, and I can’t help but smile back. Hoping I’m not being presumptuous, I lean in and press a quick kiss to his mouth just because I want to. I felt almost compelled to.

  “Hey,” I respond back, sitting back in my seat.

  He regards me silently for a bit before he leans over and puts a firm hand on my chin, pulling me to him. The kiss is purposeful and confident. His tongue dips into my mouth, and I tangle it with mine, inhaling the peppermint I can taste on his lips.

  It’s a better greeting than I could’ve imagined, and I’m dazed when he pulls back finally. Dazed and horny.

  Really horny.

  “I want you to greet me like that whenever we see each other, yeah?” He presses the push to start button, and changes gears, backing out of the parking space.

  “I think I can do that,” I respond softly.

  He glances at me and reaches for my left hand, pressing the back of it to his lips. “Hey, it’s going to be a fun weekend. You don’t have to worry about anything with me. I’ll take care of you.”

  That’s what I’m worried about.

  I napped for a good hour and a half, and when I blink my eyes open, Tyler is tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and singing along softly to Jagged Edge’s Let’s Get Married remix.

  “My mom played this song a lot when I was growing up.” I clear my throat because my voice comes out a little croaky after sleeping.

  “It’s a classic. Were your parents together growing up?” He asks, switching lanes. I think there are about two or three more hours to go.

  “They separated, and I lived with my dad for a few years.” I look out the window. “My mom developed a drinking problem after her best friend passed away, and my dad told her that he wasn’t going to watch her destroy herself.”

  “Damn, so he left? That must’ve been hard for him to do. For both of them, and you.”

  “My dad tried to get her help, but he couldn’t force her, and she refused to talk to a therapist. She said she was handling it. It took us leaving to snap her out of it, and even though my dad let her see me, they didn’t get back together immediately.”

  He’s quiet for a few long moments, and when I look over, he has a pensive expression on his face. “Sorry, you were probably expecting something a little lighter.”

  “Don’t apologize for being honest. I…” His hands clench on the wheel, and he moves his shoulders like he’s nervous. “I know what it’s like to cope in a bad way, that’s all.”

  I don’t push him to explain, but I touch his arm lightly to let him know I’m here if he does want to share.

  “I used to cut myself. From about 14 to 16. Maybe a little different from a grown woman dealing with her pain, but I understand that being inside your head can make you do all sorts of things you never thought you would. And it’s hard to ask for or accept help.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  “I felt out of control of my life. You know, I didn’t want to play hockey professionally at first? I wanted to write and play music, quit hockey, but my dad thought that was stupid and he made me keep playing. Obviously, I’m okay with that now. But then, I was just angry and it was the only thing I thought I had a choice in. Stupid, right?”

  “I don’t think it’s stupid. If music was important to you and your dad made you stop it for something else, that’s hard. Just because it wasn’t someone dying or something super traumatic, doesn’t mean it should’ve meant any less to you.”

  “I’ve never told anyone that.” He murmurs. “It always felt like other people had way more important reasons and mine was just…bratty.”

  “Thank you for sharing with me.” I place a hand over his on the steering wheel briefly, and when I move it away, he flips his hand and links our fingers together.

  “Thanks for listening.” His blue eyes meet mine, and I can’t pinpoint the look in his. It feels like there’s a tentative thread of connection now, and I don’t know how I feel about that. The remaining hours pass in what feels like no time at all, and soon, he’s giving his keys to the valet at the hotel.

  The wedding this weekend is at a winery called Chateau Marmont.

  Tyler grabs our bags and won’t let me help, so I give his name at the hotel desk to check-in.

  “We don’t seem to have a note here. Would you like a room with double beds or is a king suite fine?” The receptionist asks after checking his identification against the reservation.

  Tyler opens his mouth to answer, but closes it, looking to me instead.

  I know what he’s asking, and I guess this is my time to decide. I know that if I decide I don’t want anything to happen, he’ll still respect that and it helps me make my decision.

  “We’ll take the king suite, please. Thank you.” I hold his gaze steady as I say it, and I watch the heat rise in his. The same heat that I’m sure is reflected in mine.

  Let the weekend begin.



  Last night was…uneventful.

  We were both a lot more exhausted than we realized, and after Neiko showered, she fell asleep on top of the covers without even putting pajamas on.

  That was a sight to walk out to, but I was so tired that I didn’t even get hard. That’s how I knew that I was seconds away from passing out.

  I pulled one of my t-shirts over her h
ead and put her under the covers, then I slid on boxers and cuddled up behind her, knocking out almost immediately.

  When I woke up this morning, the shower was already running, and I wished I’d had the chance to wake up and watch her a bit before she got up.

  I’ve never done that with a woman before. But I want to with her.

  I roll over and glance at my watch. We’ve got about two hours before the ceremony starts. I wonder what Neiko’s wearing. Especially underneath.

  The bathroom door opens and steam wafts out, with Neiko silhouetted in the doorway, a colorful shower cap on her head.

  “Oh, I didn’t think you’d be up.” She looks embarrassed and snatches the shower cap off, tossing it on top of her things.

  “You looked adorable.” I swing my legs to the floor and stand, walking to where she’s wrapped in a short towel with droplets of water clinging to her smooth skin. I wish I could lick every single one off of her, and from the way her chest has started to rise with her breathing, she knows it.

  “Thank you.” She licks her lips, and I follow her tongue’s path with my own, relishing in the small sigh that escapes when she opens her mouth to me and lets me in. Sweet, so damn sweet. I move my mouth over her skin, down her neck and over her slim shoulder, licking up the lingering water. “You need to get ready.” She gasps as I move my mouth down the slope of her breasts, nestling my face into her cleavage.

  “I could die happy right here,” I whisper, and she giggles.

  “Go get in the shower, professor.” She teases, moving away. “Wedding, dodging your bridesmaid, then the rest of the weekend…” She trails off, a playful smile gracing her lips. “Stuff.”

  “Stuff?” I echo, catching the edge of her towel and pulling her back to me. “What kind of stuff?”

  “Stuff.” She says firmly, dropping the towel. For a second, my eyes light up because I think I’m about to see her full body, but she’s already wearing her panties and bra underneath.